Victoria honoured to become Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Saddlers
Posted on Oct 07, 2021Frank Baines Saddlery Director, Victoria Coleman visited London earlier this week to be officially sworn in as Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Saddlers.
Historically, a ‘freeman’ is someone who was protected by their town or city and had the right to trade, with members of a Guild or Livery providing goods or services to the highest possible standards.
Victoria said “I am so proud to be honoured in this way and to follow in the footsteps of my father Frank. The ceremony on the day was a wonderful experience and it was a great privilege to meet so many others in the trade and the GB Olympic team.”
Victoria has worked in the saddlery trade ever since she left school and is passionate about working with fitters and riders to get the best possible fitting saddles. Victoria and her brother Garry officially took over the business in 2016 and continue the tradition of hand-making high quality saddles using only the finest materials and which are sold worldwide.