Welcome Elise Broche
Posted on May 07, 2020Frank Baines Saddlery is delighted to announce dressage rider and horse blogger, Elise Broche as our new brand ambassador. Elise rides Duke in our award-winning Operetta saddle. Elise, has a huge presence on Instagram, to watch her adventures with Duke and her gorgeous pooch Salsa unfold, follow her on @elisebroche
We chatted with Elise to find out more about her!
Welcome to the Frank Baines family Elise! How old were you when you started riding?
“I was around 5 years old I think. I started to ride on a little ponies. When I was 11 I got my first pony Falco and I started at the lowest levels on dressage. When I was 16 years old I did some national dressage tests with him and I won almost every competition with him. He was an amazing pony.
When I was 16 I got my first horse Chopin, we were training at young rider’s level but because of a lot injuries we never really got started :(”
Is riding in your blood?
“My Dad rides. When he was younger he did jumping, but now he’s a dressage judge. And my boyfriend is my groom :)”
What or who inspires you?
My inspiration is Olympic champion Isabel Werth. I love to see her riding!
Tell us about Duke De Niro
“I had Duke when I was 20, so I’ve had him for almost 3 years.
When we got him he was just 4 years old and also just saddle broken, he was green, very inexperienced.
I fell in love with him the first moment I saw him. He’s a really peaceful horse. He’s fine with everything and we can go everywhere.
However, you do need to be an experienced rider with Duke because he’s not a really easy horse. He can be a bit lazy so you need him to get on the leg from the moment you step up!
Once you know how to ride him he’s a really smart and easy going horse that wants to learn everything and he never lets you down. We do a lot together and he gets a lot of treats so I think that’s why we have such a good relationship.”
Tell us about your typical day:
“Most days in the week I start at 7’o clock in the morning at my internship at school for my instructor B course.
Then, when we are finished I go straight to Duke. Duke goes in the field every morning and I love to ride him around noon.
I work with him every day. No day is the same, we try to alternate our trainings daily and try to go for a walk every week. He also gets some playtime at the longe one time a week. For some people it sounds a lot training everyday but Duke is a horse who needs routine.”
We see dogs in your insta posts. Tell us more!
We have two dogs, Salsa, a 6 month old Australian shepherd and Chanel a 6 year old Spitz. We got Salsa last summer after we lost our oldest dog Bubbels and Chanel was so lonely 🙁
What do you do to relax?
Going for a good dinner. And I love relaxing with Duke. He likes lots of attention and to be brushed a lot, especially on his head.
Where is your favourite place to ride?
“In our indoor arena where I can put the music at its loudest and where it’s warm and dry :)”
What made you choose a Frank Baines Saddle?
“The sitting, the fitting and the modern design. I saw Frank Baines saddles for the first time at Spoga in Germany.
I had some problems with my old saddle so contacted Frank Baines again to find a fitter for me here in Belgium.
The fitting was really good! Tine measured Duke fully so the saddle would fit him 100%
Then I tested some different saddles and the one that I choose was Operetta. Then I went through all the custom options, I really enjoyed doing that!
Tell us about your ride in your new saddle?
Since I had my new saddle, for me and Duke it’s made a world of difference!
Duke’s movements are so much better! He has more space to move 🙂
I broke my back 4 years ago and sometimes with my old saddle or other saddles I had a bit of pain after riding, now I can spend as many hours as I want in my new saddle without any pain! So, I’m really happy with it.
It’s been lovely chatting with you Elise, we are so excited to be working with you!