Freedom of the Saddler’s Company for Victoria
Posted on Jun 26, 2020We are delighted to announce that our Director, Victoria Coleman has been granted admission to the Freedom of the Saddlers’ Company by Redemption of the Trade and Freeman of the City of London.
This is a major honour for Victoria who follows in the footsteps of her father Frank Baines and brother Garry, who were also previously honoured by the Worshipful Company of Saddlers.
Victoria is delighted with the news, “It is a true honour to be asked. I’ve worked in the trade ever since I left school and I’m passionate about working with fitters and riders to get the best possible fitting saddles. I’m proud of the traditional methods we uphold in our workshops and want to keep those time-honoured skills alive. As a saddlery, we also drive innovation and are constantly adapting our methods to deal with the demands of the contemporary rider. It’s good to have all this recognised by The Worshipful Company of Saddlers. I’m over the moon.”